DIFRA Language Services
DIFRA Language Services
are some values every parent desires his/her child to possess but we as
parents sometimes leave the responsibility to teachers who also may not
have the time to teach discipline to our children. We may find out when
it is too late that the children have to learn through “hard knocks”.
This book appears in local languages like Luganda, Ateso, Luo, Runyakore
and other African languages in future.
days there are many things that happen around us which are indicators
of high moral degeneration. You must have watched them on TV or read
them in newspapers or witnessed them with your eyes. You will not
approve of them but you may not have time for parental guidance every
time such actions are televised. Use this book with your child to guide
him/her and give more relevant examples to drive the point home.
Examples of indiscipline in our society include but are not limited to:
· Fighting for food at public functions
· Bad driving on our roads.
· Land disputes that sometimes lead to deaths.
· Domestic violence that involves husband, wives, children.
· Neglect of duty.
· Abandoning families.
· Environmental abuse.
· Some traders sell expired good or underweight goods.
· Adults tell lies in the presence of children.
· Some parents take home stolen items for domestic use.
· A broken relationship can lead to one’s death.
It is everybody’s responsibility to ensure that the next generation do not fall into the same trap.
1. Honesty.
2. Punctuality.
3. Respect for self.
4. Respect for others.
5. Self-initiative.
6. Happiness with others.
7. Being hopeful all the time.
8. Humility
9. Kindness and empathy
10. Being responsible in everything they do.
11. To know the value of education.
12. Knowing the value of work.
13. Love for God and their Country.
14. Tell right from wrong and being tolerant and truthful.
15. Being appreciative for what they receive.
16. Being kind enough to donate to the needy.
17. Being peace loving at home, in the Community and in the Word, love all humanity without discrimination.
1. wakes up early to pray.
2. greets parents and others at home.
3. cleans the rooms and places around the home.
4. brushes the teeth clean.
5. helps with the work at home out of his/her own free will.
6. cuts finger nails/ toes regularly to keep them short.
7. does any work given to him/her quickly.
8. does not play near fire in the kitchen.
9. does not play with a match box and a candle.
10. tries his/her level best to organize the home.
11. does not enter the house with dirty feet/shoes.
12. does not peep through the window or the key hole of the door to see what is in people’s rooms.
13. does not spend too much time on tv instead of reading/doing homework.
14. does not eat with every visitor.
15. does not forget where he has been sent and go to play instead.
16. must do things without waiting for instructions all the time.
17. does not give excuses to avoid bathing.
18. does not serve her/himself unready food.
19. does not discriminate which visitors to greet.
20. does not “dodge” medicine given to him/her.
21. does not throw away or hide tablets/drugs.
22. tells the responsible people the sickness he/she has.
23. does not leave bar soap in basin with water after washing.
24. must do things without waiting for instructions all the time.
25. does not sweep and hide the rubbish under the carpet.
26. does not eat the children’s food and drinks.
27. does not make it a habit to eat at the neighbour’s.
28. does not take too much sugar in tea/ juice / milk.
29. does not move with tooth pick outside the dining room.
30. does not serve too much food which he/she cannot finish.
31. does not expose her “private” body in public.
32. tells the parents who visited in their absence and what time.
33. lays the bed properly every morning after waking up.
34. does not climb trees.
35. washes his/her clothes well including underwear.
36. does not play with seeds like groundnuts, maize by putting them in the nose or the ears.
37. does not play with animals or throw stones at them.
38. does not start by eating meat, fish or chicken before the real meal.
39. does not frequent the neighbour’s place at meal times.
40. does not lick the plates after eating.
41. does not go to fetch water at the well alone, either day or night.
42. report any breakages of cups, plates etc. without fear or delay.
43. does not use a tooth brush of other people or clothes.
44. does not play with electricity or connect it illegally.
45. does not become the enemy of a brother or sister who the parents say he/she is indisciplined.
46. does not talk about what they don’t have at home or compare hi/her home with others.
47. treats the people at home equally.
48. does not get involved in quarrels of adults or others.
49. welcomes and greets visitors well and shows them seats.
50. completes homework every day.
51. does not minimize the domestic worker.
52. helps the domestic worker, parents and others with work at home.
53. does not ask for prizes from parents and others for good work done at home or at school.
54. does not look greedily at the visitor’s food.
55. cares so much about his/her safety; cares not to leave electric appliances on, watches out for broken glasses etc.
56. does not leave home without knowledge/permission of parents/people at home/guardians.
57. fears god and prays everyday according to his/her religion.
58. does not fear to report his /her
problems to the parents or to ask what
he/she does not understand.
59. returns “balance” from what she
has been sent to buy.
Contact Difra Language Services for a Hard Copy Book.
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Tel: 0704 912519 or 0772 457606
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Tel: 0704 912519 or 0772 457606
Great work!